Monday, March 14, 2011

I Believe in You

I was talking to my sister bout what happened in Japan the other day. She was sort of nervous because she has this thought of destruction of humankind next year.

A lot of speculations, hearsays, rumors even wild predictions that the earth will deluge next year.

I also saw some numbers that proves that it would really be next year like 09-11-01+03-10-11 = 12-21-12. First, the answer is -21. Second, I dont want to scare myself. Third, I never believe in 2012 movie though its a good movie.

What happened in the 9/11 bombing is as tragic of what happened the other day. I share my condolences to the family who lost their love ones with these events. And to those who survive the tragedy, I am as thankful as you as I am safe and alive with my family right now.

With all the things that are happening right now, I would like to emphasize that we all have one BIG GOD who watched over us. We should give all our faith and trust in Him. He would not do anything that would harm us. We may experience things like those but its a challenge from Him. He has plans for us, and it is us who should discover our purpose here on earth.

I am nothing against the 2012 movie, but one thing I would like to tell everyone who could read this, let us surrender our life to Him and he will save us. I understand that God once destruct the mankind by sending heavy rains however, if I can remember it right He also said that he would not do that ever again. He showed how much He loves us by sending Christ to redeem us from sin.

Right now, I am thankful that God showed me a way to become more faithful to Him. As what we always say GOD is GOOD, ALL THE TIME.

Let us all pray that this kind of tragic event wont happen again. And let us all give faith in Him that he would not do any destructive things as the movies and other people's beliefs.